Datum konání:
28.12.2012 - pátek
Místo konání:
Praha - Akropolis
Wicc, Black Alley (DE), Cadilaxx
XX-House 10th anniversary v Akropolis

Na 10. výročí XX-House v Paláci Akropolis vám nabídneme speciálního hosta z Berlína Thomase Pudla aka BLACK ALLEYHO. Thomas je na scéně přez 20 let jako dj, a producent. Je vášnivým sběratelem desek a má svou vlastní radio show In Control na


Party začne a hudebně vás naladí dj WICC. Mohli jste ho vidět na Free Mondays v Roxy nebo Pekelným baru. Pokračovat bude náš hlavní host BLACK ALLEY ve dvou hodinovém setu, ve stylu, který nemáte možnost slyšet v Praze každý den.

Party uzavře dj a zakladatel akcí CADILAXX. Atmosféra sním je vždycky žhavá, a vyplatí se si počkat i na jeho set. Společně s klubem LeClan jsme připravili after party, která začne v 6:00!


For our 10th anniversary of XX-House parties at Palac Akropolis we are going to offer you a special guest from Berlin Thomas Pudell aka BLACK ALLEY. Thomas has been over 20 years in the scene as dj, and producer. He is a passionate record collector, and he has his own weekly radio show called In Control at

The party will kick-off with Dj Wicc spinning the warming up beats. Wicc is known from the Free Mondays at Roxy and his regular parties at Pekelný bar. He is the second time he is with us at XX-House and he is definitely going to heat the floor up.

Following will be our main guest Black Alley with a two hours special mix, the kind of music you rarely have the opportunity to hear in the Prague scene.

Closing will be as usually offered by dj and host of XX-House parties dj CADILAXX. The atmosphere with him is always hot, and worth keeping up with the time just to catch a glimpse of his set.

We prepared also together with after club LECLAN, the OFFICIAL AFTER PARTY, which is starting there right at 6AM - what a perfect way to start a new day … see you at the party folks!






Partnerské linky: festivaly 2016