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Party: CIRCLE & 30.12.2013, houseboat U Bukanýra | | (party, fotky, house, trance, techno)




Datum konání:
30.12.2013 - pondělí
Místo konání:
Praha - houseboat U Bukanýra
Agustin Alvarez (Alboratory)
Jag Kiranmay (Seva Records)
Rob Smile (Deep Smoke)
Sebastian Paiza (Art Of Dark)
Další díl párty Circle v pondělí na Bukanýru

V pondělí 30.12.2013 od 22:00 Vás všechny zveme na další díl nepravidelné rotující párty Circle která se uskuteční na oblíbeném pražském Houseboatu U Bukanýra.


A tentokrát se máte opravdu na co těšit protože jsme si na tento díl pozvali opravdu vzácné a speciální dva hosty kteří již několik let působí na nejvyhlášenějším španělském párty ostrově Ibiza.

Argentinský dj a producent Agustin Alvarez zastupující značku Alboratory a jeho kolega pocházející z americké Floridy také producent a dj Sebastian Paiza (Art Of Dark) se posledních pár let pohybují v opravdu vybrané hudební společnosti okolo tINI and the Gang a okolo partičky pořádající undergroundové rave párty Fuse.

Za českou stranu celý line up dotvoří dva residenti této klubové noci Jag Kiranmay (Seva rec., Deep Smoke) a Rob Smile (Deep Smoke).

Přijďte si užít předposlední noc tohoto roku v rytmu ryze undergroudové hudby která Vás nabije pozitivní energií a rozhodně nenechá ani na moment v klidu..:)

Agustin Alvarez - (Alboratory)
DJ and producer Agustin Alvarez (b.1989) is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He moved to Italy at the age of 16, but the calling to electronic music came in 2010 when he moved to Ibiza, Spain, for his first summer season.

At the beginning of 2012 he came back to his hometown of Buenos Aires for 10 month. During this time, Agustin established himself as a well-respected DJ.

Working hard in the studio has paid off. Only producing for a short time, he has already gained support and recognition by record labels (Alboratory/ Sponik Muzique) and Djs.

When you hear Agustin's tracks and sets, expect to hear deep basslines laced with dark groovy techno going around different atmospheres and vibes.

Sebastian Paiza - (Art of Dark, Draft)
Sebastian Paiza, a DJ by heart, producer by nature…for him music takes priority and isn't merely a hobby, but it is his belief that music is life in the form of a melody. Colombian born, American Native, and Ibiza influenced are his motivations for making quality music that is quickly getting surprising recognition abroad this sound we call underground. However, Sebastians intentions is not to mention who and what his involvements are. He prefers to share his journey…the reason why he did it all in the first place and the moral he strongly stands by- his love for music. This musical passion has not stopped developing, from as early as he can remember up until this day, so with patience and understanding of todays world of music, he is striving to make a change- not only musically, but to what the character of underground culture is about.

Jag Kiranmay - (Seva Rec)
Jag Kiranmay's musical journey has seen him take many twists and turns through an ever-changing eclectic landscape, crossing genres, creating and always innovating.

Inspired by the electronic music of Orbital and Future Sound of London, the South Florida dance scene of the mid-90s became Jag's "Miami vice" – well, more of a passion than a vice – and that's where he first made his name behind the decks. After relocating from the Czech Republic to the Sunshine State, Jag became a regular DJ at parties and clubs in the area. His first major gig came at the Ultra Music Festival in 2001, where he helped set up a stage with his audio engineering partner and where he played to a packed party crowd.

Rob Smile - (DEEP SMOKE)
Rob Smile has been traversing the czech electronic music scene since year 2000. Rob has been appearing at a number of established events across the czech republic such as Citadela, Creamfields, Probozska Jezera, Machac, Summer Of Love. He has played at most of the czech clubs and at a few occasions he has travelled to Germany, France, Netherlands and Slovak Republic. He played alongside most of the czech top djs and quite a few international dj guests as well. Due to his unabating energy during his live dj sets, we can say without a doubt that he is almost an iconic figure of czech electronic music scene. He has become an equation for a great party.

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